COVID-19 Important Update

Though it is not business as usual, the Ingersoll Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic is still here for you!


In order to address your health care concerns while following safety guidelines in these challenging times, most appointments will be completed by phone or virtual/ video conferencing.

Onsite appointments will be limited to those requiring a face to face assessment only.

Screening for COVID-19:

Persons who are concerned that they may have COVID-19 should complete the online assessment tool at:

Patients may also complete the COVID-19 screening tool by phoning the Ingersoll NPLC and asking to speak to a nurse.

COVID-19 Testing:

The Ingersoll NPLC is now in a position to test patients who:

  • Screen Positive for COVID-19 or
  • Are a healthcare worker or caregiver who has been exposed to COVID-19, or
  • A person who works in a long-term care facility.


The Ingersoll Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic follows the PPE guidelines outlined by Ontario Health and our perspective local Public Health Organization. If it is required facial coverings will be provided for patients who are having an in person appointment. If you have your own facial coverings such as a cloth mask, please wear it for your appointment