NPLC Secure Patient Communication Portal Note:

Please only use this form to submit information and/or files if your Nurse Practitioner or triage has requested it from you. If something is sent that wasn’t requested, it will be declined.

Submission process:

1. Click the link below to visit the secure patient communication portal.

2. Enter your First name, Last name, Health number and Birth date. These must match our records.

3. Click Submit.

4. Enter in any information you wish to provide into the text box.

5. If you would like to submit an attachment click the checkbox for I would like to include an attachment with this message.

6. Click Add Attachments… and locate the file that you wish to attach/send.

7. After you have finished adding all of the desired attachments click Finish to submit.

8. You will receive confirmation that the form was submitted. You can now close the tab and/or window. Secure Patient Communication Portal


NPLC Secure Patient Communication Portal